Jean Pierre Fleury. Image maker. Photographer of the imagination
Jean Pierre Fleury lives in France, at Cap Ferret, on the Arcachon Basin.
His work as a photographer is similar to that of a painter or a sculptor, he handles his cameras like a painter his brushes or a sculptor his scissors. In fact he does not photograph what he sees, but expresses what he feels.
He prefers to talk about images more than photographs… as he often says, image is the anagram of magic.
His images are like abstract paintings, doors open to the imagination, a search for the extraordinary in the ordinary, the fantastic in the banal, the magic in the
He plays with blurs, juggles with shadows and opens new worlds to us, often beyond the mirror of reality...
He is not at all interested in winning prizes or participating in competitions, he prefers to share his aesthetic vision of the world with as many people as possible. Some of
his series of images are permanently available on his website, on the Instagram network, as well as in private collections in France, Portugal, Spain,
Great Britain, Luxembourg, Switzerland, India and China.
Discover his world by visiting his “Dreamlike Abstractions”, “his great bursts of fresh art”, his interpretation of Lucretia’s “de natura rerum”, “his phantasmagories”, his walls walls”, his “tribute to the great masters” his distortions and its polyptychs.
His work is unanimously appreciated
He is a member of the National Academy of Contemporary Art: www.artacademie.es

His work is present in the following galleries:
- Bordeaux: Galerie Sixteen,: lagaleriesixteen@gmail.com
- Toulouse: Bam Gallery: bam.gallery@wanadoo.fr
- Monaco: Multiartevent Gallery Monaco, multiartevents@monaco.me
- Dubai: Artenirs Souk Madinat Jumeirah, contact@artenirs.com